Green House Effect!

Green house gases can be added to our atmosphere in numerous amounts of ways, a Green house gas is a gas that absorbs heat and gets excreted out as Infrared radiation. The primary Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are water vapor(H20), Methane(CH9), Carbon Dioxide(C02), Nitrous Oxide(N20), and Ozone.
Fossil fuels are burned to create electricity, therefore, it is adding more CO2 into the atmosphere. It would be extremely difficult to imagine our lives without the use of electricity because we depend on it 24/7, but what many people don't know is that we cause pollution by using electricity, but there are various alternative energy resources such as Solar Power, and Geothermal energy, and Wind power which may one day help the world into overcoming and helping reduce the amount of harmful toxins we as humans feed our atmosphere. The ten hottest years on record have been since the 1990'a and on. There have also been many observations of increasing air and ocean temperature, and widespread melting of snow and ice which makes the sea levels rise. During the 20th century the Global sea level has risen by 17cm. Scientist have also speculated that if we as the Human population try to help stop the earth from heating up by the end of the century the U.S. temperatures could rise from 3-9 degrees. 

 Snow accumulation has also declined 60% and the winter seasons have shortened in some areas of the world because the world is heating up because of all the Green house gases in the atmosphere.

 Warmer temperatures have been and are causing many dangerous problems, for example, Wild fires, dust storms, and floods leaving many homeless and hungry....and also taking away innocent lives.